Royal Photographic Society Distinctions
The two panels of images below show the hanging plans for my Royal Photographic Society Distinctions. The Licentiate Distinction was awarded in 2011. That was then followed up, in 2015, with an Associate Distinction for my 'Applied' category panel documenting Long Lane Allotments. Associate panels are required to be supported with a 'statement of intent' which is reproduced below.
Associate Panel

Statement of Intent
This set of images is part of a larger project I undertook to document the first year of Long Lane Allotments. During that period, over 80 new plots were established on a green field site.
My aim was to create a panel of images that reflected some of the typical activities that took place on these allotments. I wanted to capture feelings for the spaces that these plot holders occupy and the elements they were experiencing at the time.
Allotments are full of visual clutter and so I looked for compositions that described each scene simply and clearly. Applying a monochrome treatment meant I could also avoid distracting colours. Finally, for the panel to work as I intended, I needed natural, un-posed and unself-conscious images of the plot holders.
Licentiate Panel
My Licentiate panel was made up of a variety of subject matter and created using different photographic techniques.